Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A day at Gramma and Gramps!

Logan spent all day Monday at Gramma and Gramps house so daddy could get our garage cleaned out...we are in fast and furious clean up mode at the house, because we will be putting it on the market after the new year and buying a new home out by my parents! We are sooo excited!!! Anyway, he had a great day with his grandparents and played with Uncle Mark all day and took a 3 hour nap on grandma which she just loved!!! He is such a good baby and is so fun to be around right now! We went over there for dinner last night to pick him up and he was catnapping on gramps again--too sweet! Tonight we are going to try and make it out to the Zilker Trail of Lights if it is nice outside--we will take lots of pictures there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love his overalls!!